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Covid 19 vaccine: Today's First Priority of Nation

Vaccines VS Covid 19 Vaccine

Vaccine actually contains weakened, killed, or fragmented microorganisms or
toxins or of antibodies or lymphocytes that's involved primarily to stop disease.
A vaccine can confer acquired immunity against a selected harmful agent by
stimulating the system to attack the agent. Once stimulated by vaccine,
antibody producing cells, called B cells or B lymphocytes, remain sensitized and
prepared to reply to the agent if it ever gains entry to body. A vaccine can also
confer acquired immunity by providing antibodies or lymphocytes already
made by an animal or human donor.

Vaccines are usually administered by injection, but some are even given orally
or nasally. Vaccines applied to mucosal surfaces, such as those lining the gut or
nasal passages, seem to stimulate a greater antibody response and maybe the
most effective route of administration.
The first vaccine was introduced by British physician Edward Jenner, who in
1976 used the cowpox virus to confer protection against smallpox in humans.
The principle of vaccination was applied by Asian physicians for many diseases.
French biologist Pasteur established immunization against anthrax by injecting
attenuated bacillus, which is the type of bacteria that causes the disease. Later
on Pasteur developed a vaccine against rabies (viral disease).
Vaccine Effectiveness
After Pasteur's time, a widespread and intensive search for new vaccines
against both bacteria and viruses were produced, as well as vaccines against
venoms and other toxins. Through vaccination, smallpox was eradicated
worldwide by 1980, and Polio cases declined by 99 percent. Other examples of
diseases for which vaccines have been developed include mumps, measles,
typhoid fever, cholera, plague, TB, tetanus, influenza, and typhus. Although
some of those vaccines are less than 100 percent effective or are used only in
populations at high risk. Vaccines against viruses provide especially important
immune protection, since, unlike bacterial infections, viral infection does not
respond to antibiotics.

Vaccine Types
The challenge in vaccine development consists in devising a vaccine strong
enough to keep off infection without making the individual seriously ill.

Researchers have devised different types of vaccines. Weakened or attenuated
vaccines contain microorganisms that have lost the power to cause serious
illness but retain the power to stimulate immunity.
1- Attenuated Vaccines
2- Inactivated Vaccines
3- Subunit Vaccines
Vaccine Development
Development of vaccines is often simplified into two broad stages:
1- Pre-clinical Development in this step research is being done on
2- Clinical Development is when the vaccine is first tested in human. It
covers four stages.
a) Phase 1 in which small scale trials to assess whether the vaccine is safe in
humans or not.
b) Phase 2 is on large scale and look mainly to assess the efficiency of vaccine
against artificial infection and clinical disease.
c) Phase 3 vaccines are studied on large scale of many hundreds of subjects
across several sites. If the vaccine retains safety and efficacy over a defined
period of time then the manufacturer is able to apply to the regulatory
authorities for a license to market the product for human use.
d) Phase 4 happens after the vaccine has been licensed and introduced into
Covid 19 Vaccine
Covid 19 is the viral disease, which causes pneumonia in humans and results
into their death. It is first found in December 2019 in Chinese city Wuhan. It
has infected 5 million people, causing half million deaths all over the world.
This fatal virus is spreading at exponential rate and everyone is looking for its
remedy, which is possible in the form of VACCINE!

Development of Vaccine

There is not a single medicine which has been approved effective against this
virus. Scientists have said that its only cure is development of effective vaccine.
There are 100+ vaccines are in trials all over the world, some of them are in
human trials but there is still a lot of works is left for its development.
Scientists are still not sure that vaccines, which are in trials, are 100 percent
effective. Covid 19 is very new type of virus and, doctors and scientist do not
know about this very much, this is the main reason which is causing delay in
the development of its vaccine.
In this situation we must stay home, wash our hands properly,
use face mask, because until unless vaccine is not out there this virus is fatal.

             By: ALI Hamza
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