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Lock Down has changed Humans!

Lock down changes us

Lock down is a state of isolation or restricted access instituted as a security measure to stop or lessen the spread of the pandemic.

 The term stay- at-home or stay-in-place is often used for lock down that affects an area or specific location. Lock down is used to protect the people of a community. It may be applied during any emergency any pandemic on alarming situation. The people are advised to remain inside their homes or safe rooms, places or building. Lock down is imposed by an authority of a community or by a government. Lock down has many positive as well as negative impacts on living beings.

A lock down may be a drill lock down, which may be held in an absence of threat just to familiarize people with what they do must or it may be a full lock down, which means that people must stay where they are.


·         Preventive lock-down

It a preemptive action plan implanted to address an unusual scenario or a weakness in system to preempt any danger to ensure the safety and security of people, organization and system.

·         Emergency lock down

It is implanted when there is imminent threat to the lives or risks of injury to humans, such as during any pandemic, school shoot downs, during protest and etc.


Impacts of lock down on daily lives.

As we know that lock down is a situation during which people has to stay at their places for limited or may be unlimited time. If the time is limited then it may not have notable effects on lives and behaviors of living beings but if it is for a long and unlimited time it may left many notable and alarming effects on the lives of living beings.

Let us take an eye view of history which tells us many lock downs that were applied on different nations and communities. In 2013 Boston Us was lock down and all public transportation stopped during the manhunt for terrorists Dzhokhar and Tamerlane Tsarnaev. Brussels, Belgium was locked down in 2015 for days. In August 2019, the Indian government imposed a lock down of Jammu and Kashmir after protest regarding the revocation of the special status of the state, stating the lock down was to curb terrorism.

Now, the greatest lock down is the lock down due to a worldwide pandemic outbreak of novel Corona virus also known as Covid-19. As it spreads from man to man and still no vaccine has discovered, so to stop its spread and disastrous most of the countries imposed lock down and some also applied curfew, an intense form of lock down. It affected the economy of the world and also brought many changes in the behaviors and lives of living beings. Almost the whole world is shut downed in this situation.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the term lock down was used for the mass quarantines or stay at homes. By early April 2020, 3.9 billion people world wide were under the some form of lock down l, more than half of the world’s population. Still many people are isolated in there homes. It greatly affects the living styles of the living beings.


Positive changes of lock down             

This lock down, the lock down during the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us the golden values of life.

·         How to sacrifice during any crises for our people. Many people helped as much as they can for their nation.

·         This lock down taught us that humanity still exists. The most effected class was the lower class that was of daily wagers. Due to shut down of the country their source of income was shut down. But the upper middle class and upper elite class have showed that humanity still exist in them.

·         Family is your backbone. The one who always used to think that their family is a burden for them now realize that the actual backbone is their own family. Now they have a quality time for their family.

·         The persons who were hell of busy in their lives now have time for themselves. Now they have a break to relax themselves freely.

·         Many of the pending works are completed during this break.

·         People are getting enough time to develop their personality.

·         Expenses are getting fewer and fewer as no body go outside.

·         Driving is getting lesser, flight operations are also shut downed, and this become a cause of decreasing air pollution and lessens the global warming.

·         Many skills are being learnt during this session.

·         Spring cleaning has extended in summer.

·         Wastage of things is lessened.

·         People are adopting healthy ways to spend their lives. Usage of healthy diet has been increased.

·         Distance has created love and affection in the hearts of people for their loved ones. As per famous proverb, separated by distance and joined by love.


Positive vibes learnt by this lock down.

·         The people whom you give energy and receive energy from are very important. They affect your mental state directly.

·         Shit happens, plan changes, you can’t control what happens but you can control how you react accordingly.

·         Use your thinking brain, not your feeling brain.

·         Be confident in yourself and do not compare yourself to others.

·         Life need to be lived to its fullest. We all need to stop settling and being complacent with average. We are all deserving of incredible. Often that means being true to yourself, which can be difficult for others to understand or accept. But that’s OK.

·         It’s never too late to become who you truly are.


·         It’s OK to take a break from everything in order to see what you have, what you want and what you deserve.

·         The people who show you that they care about you are the ones who must be in your life.

·         You don’t have to change your life right away, but take it all step by step.

·         There isn’t a right time for anything, just do it.

·         Realizing that every thing is just temporary. Hardships as well as comfort zone are not forever.

·         On the darkest of the days there still is something good in your life, just have to breath easy.

·         Don’t take things and people granted ever; even walk for fresh air could be luxury. Value everything you have.

·         Know your worth, know your dignity

·         Your mindset matters a lot.

·         Hate is never going to drive out hate.


Negative changes of lock down.

As with the positive vibes negativity always exist side by side in every person’s mind. Positivity always comes after negativity.

·         Empty mind is an evil’s home. The ones who have not adopted any healthy activity during his/her quarantine have given place to negative thoughts to reside in its mind.

·         Negative thoughts in return become a cause of mental stress, depression, and many other mental as well as physical issues.

·         Peevishness destroys the environment of the home.

·         Economy is facing a lot of difficulties and gradually becoming a victim of downfall.

·         Daily wagers are living from hand to mouth. The major sufferers of this lock down are the daily wagers.

·         Work from home is a burden as there are no complete facilities and chanced to complete the task.

·         Education department all over the world is totally collapsed.

·         Family disputes are becoming more and more common day by day.



In short, every incident brings a lot of changes in every person’s life. Lock down is a biggest incident and it is unforgettable. With many positive changes there come negative changes too. But we should only consider the positive changes.

   " All it took was a microscopic organism to make us more human...!"


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