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Best Online shoping sites | advantages and disadvantages of online shoping

If we go a few years back in the past, shopping was all about going to the markets and shopping malls and buying the stuff, which was a time waste too. But nowadays, our lives have changed a lot from the lives of the man of yesterday in many ways, and all of the credit goes to science and technology. So, one of the benefits of this modern technology is that it has changed the trend of shopping by introducing ONLINE SHOPPING WEBSITES. These days we can do shopping by just lying on our bed and scrolling with our thumbs. On these shopping sites, you would find everything including, clothes, shoes, home appliances, gadgets, hardware tools, in short from socks to automobiles, you will find everything on these sites. These days everyone seems addicted to online shopping sites, one of the reasons for this is that people find it an easy alternative to buy their stuff just by doing one click rather than getting out of there comfy beds and wandering from one shop to another. There are so many online shopping websites all over the world and the top of them is Amazon.  

ADVANTAGES  OF ONLINE SHOPPING                                                                                                                
 There are a lot of advantages to online shopping. First of all, you do not have to waste your time in shopping malls which is pretty tiring too! Secondly, you find everything you need on these websites just a click away! Next and one of the most important advantages for many is that you can return your product if it is not according to your expectations or if the product is faulty. Payment methods are different but you can pay from your bank account, PayPal and you can also use cryptocurrency such as bitcoins but this facility is only available on very few websites, you can also pay by hand when you receive the product (a.k.a cash on delivery). The most important advantage is that you can find a diverse variety of your desired product.                                                                                                        DISADVANTAGES OF ONLINE SHOPING
Online Shopping sites have some flaws and disadvantages too! Sometimes the pictures of specific products that are displayed on the websites are different from the original product. Sometimes, they deliver faulty products or mismatched product. And quite a few times the material used on the product is of very low quality and they charge you more than the worth the product deserves. SO BEWARE OF THESE THINGS TOO!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      CONCEPT OF ONLINE SHOPPING IN PAKISTAN             
Like many other countries online Shopping is also becoming a trend in Pakistan. Many sites have been established in Pakistan for online shopping, and top of the list is There are many others such as Ali Express, Golootlo, some brands have also made their websites from where you can buy their items including, J., Outfitters, Al Karam, and many more. There are some local websites too. People are preferring online shopping more these days especially because of staying inside homes for the sake of the lockdown due to COVID 19. 

Written By: Ali Hamza
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