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Devil triangle 

Bermuda triangle is also known as the devil triangle or mysterious triangle located in the west of the North Atlantic Ocean where it is said that many different ships and airplanes have been disappeared while passing from this mysterious place. Many trusted and well-known sources even deny this idea of any mystery.

The region of the Bermuda triangle is considered as the most traveled area for the ships and airplanes in the world, with many different ships usually take this route for approaching the port of America, Europe or the Caribbean islands. Important ships and pleasure boats pass over this area very often and even many commercial and business airplanes fly over it.

Bermuda triangle is just an exaggeration?

Resent cultures have blamed the disappearances of the ships and boats are due to some ghostly or preternatural activity which is happening in the terrestrial region. According to the evidence that is collected from the documents of the incidents, it is reported that the major percentage of the incidents reported were false, wrongly filed, or exaggerated by the late authors.

Theories related to Bermuda triangle

There is an unexplained occurrence of many events in the Bermuda triangle reported in the mid-19th century. Some ships were completely drowned into that area and later found no clue of it, similarly, the planes flew over it had lost their navigation connection and disappeared and even o one ever heard about it again. Many aircraft were reported as they vanished from the situation and then the searching and investigating teams couldn’t find any clue or information about it. Even, the debris is not found of the ships or planes, and the repeatedly occurring mysterious things were reported which was very fanciful to hear about. Also, the theory of the supernatural cause of vanishing of the ships or panes may limit the geographical and environmental reason behind it. As one hypothesis indicates that the pilot lost navigation control and also the connection with the control tower. The pilot also may lot the control of the plane due to supernatural waves that do not allow any other waves to interact in them and cause an accident. Besides these theories, there is another theory that quotes that at several heights of approximately 100 feet, the planes lost their control and supernatural waves destroy them without leaving any part behind. 

    Here a movie link is give named THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE. Must watch it. You will enjoy.

BERMUDA TRIANGLE: a myth or reality

After the struggle of over 70 years, some scientists have solved the mystery of the Bermuda triangle as it is nothing but just a myth for terrifying the people. A scientist name Karl has claimed that all the disappearances of the ships or boats are not due to any supernatural power. The total number of ships or planes disappeared is just like the other places. It is just a myth, not a fact. The disappearance may be due to some environmental or geological factors which cause the ship to sink in the ocean. Similarly, planes may also face some disturbing environment that lost the connection and they may sink into the ocean.

By: Aila Amir 
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