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Does the walker choose the path or the path the walker??


It is always a walker who choose the trail as till walker don't realize his destination, aim and goal, he/she won't walk the trail with conviction and interest...

Most of the day’s people have an interest in something where as blaming their situations that they are doing something else which isn't meant for them. Sometimes people also get successful at what they are doing even after not curious about doing so but they never get satisfied.

To have a satisfied life and achieve what you usually want to do, you have passion, faith and trust yourself in what u want to do and roll in the hay ... because no path is coming to choose you, you need to choose your destination and built your own path....

A person him/her self is liable for their path easy or difficult, interesting or boring, successful or unsuccessful, love or hate etc......
How we choose the right path?
Some of the points help in choosing the right path; which are the following.
Goal setting
First of all we should have proper goal setting.
If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.
Faith and values
“When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier.”
Positives and negatives
List both the positives and negatives about the choice at hand. Which side is more weighted?
Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish. Just pray for your goal and believe on GOD with patience.
we can’t shrink faraway from difficulty. Seek wisdom and have the courage to exit of your temperature.

Advantages of choosing the right path:
The selection of the right path makes your identity. If you succeed then you can grown according to your ideal.
Choosing the right path make your careers succeed.
It also generates stronger leadership qualities.
It also reduced the stress, there is no depression.
Greater happiness:
You become more hard working.
Everyone can be a hero when they choose the right path, when it is different to do so.

If u choose the wrong path then;
You are not properly satisfied
You feel tired
You are not inspired
No hard working

So that quote/question above there, to my mind, is basically not an issue. It's simply giving us a touch that either way we will make it good. Because we (the 'walker choose the path') can make our choices well with the main target on growth, progress, maturity, self-improvement where it should matter most. which we've no control over ('the path the walker'), usually the trail already laid down for us by Someone or Something, should be handled with an open mind heart and soul because you recognize deep inside that it's there not for nothing. The rationale is usually that you simply should grow. And that, my dear friends, is by God's design.

Choose growth; prefer to learn.

BY: Misbah Imtiaz
your comments will be highly acknowledged!


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