Sunday, March 16 2025


Hacking : should be or not!

What is hacking?

                              The term” hacking” is mostly taken in a negative sense. Hacking is mostly considered as unauthorized access to data of any firm or any person without his or her permission. This data may be approached via a system or computer. Hacking may be legal or illegal. Yes!! Hacking can also be legal. Let's discuss about this.


There are various ways through which a network can be hacked.


1- IP address hack:-

                                  The IP address of a website can be hacked by the hacker and this lets him enter into the owner's manual. There is a risk of hacking IP addresses of other countries as there are international issues regarding disturbing other countries' privacy.


2- Application Hack:-

                                    Hacking an application and getting the data bases is much more difficult as compared to hacking an IP of a website. Only trained and experienced hackers should be hired for such an activity who can perform a clean hack without being caught.


3- Physical Infrastructure Hack:

                                                      Hacking is not always about getting access via computer networks. Physically getting passwords and other important documents is also a sort of hacking.


Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. A single thing can be used in various ways which may prove that thing to be either helpful or destructive. This depends on us for which side we choose while doing any activity. Similarly hacking has its own pros and cons, few are given below.

                                     EVERY DARK CLOUD HAS A SILVER LINING”



           Hacking can also be ethical. A person can hire a hacker for checking his system's security. The hacker is then allowed to enter and get access to all the data of the person. And then security is improved to such an extent that any hacker can have no access to the secret data. There are a few holes in every network or application through which hackers get entry into the inaccessible data which can only be used by the owner. These holes can be then patched by the owner so that other unethical hackers don't get access to the private data of the firm or web server.


Hacking can also be used by the police for criminal investigations. In this way hacking is ethical. They can use hackers to uncover criminals and all the blackmailing sort of activity. This may be useful in this way.


Hacking can be useful in improving products.



-       Hacking is also illegal when it comes to leaking people's privacy and passwords.

-       Hacking is unethical as it involves unauthorized access to any individual's personal data.

-       Hacking can also be considered as a theft if it involves high level hacking of other countries IP addresses which is against international laws.

-       It can also cause issues as hackers can send spam emails or fake messages which can cause trouble to anyone

-       Hacking can cause viruses in the software.


So after knowing all these facts about hacking, one should accept the terms and conditions before indulging himself into any such activity because the outcomes are not always positive. One should be ready to face the circumstances if anything happens while performing such a risky activity. If anyone has proper hacking skills, he should help the local police in solving criminal cases related to technology and cyber-crimes and public institutions in resolving problems and issues related to their software or system. Be someone who is beneficial for society. Don't be an Evil thinker just for other!!

                        By: Rana Husnain

          Looking forward for your supporting comments!


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