Sunday, March 16 2025


conspiracies of the world

Conspiracies in the world


We live in a world with a lot of conspiracies and much confusion that we have believed since long ago. It has been in human blood that they believe everything they listen from anyone without any confirmation or research. It is obvious that there are as many options as many people there are. Everyone has his own way of thinking and comes up with a new idea referring to a particular discussion.


Famous conspiracies of today:


We are surrounded by many conspiracies. Let me explain you a few. For instance, you may remember the incident of 9/11. Thousands of people died but who they were? Some say they were Muslims and it was a programmed massacre of Muslims by America as all other workers either they were atheists or Christians, all were on leave. One may think that it was done by Afghanistan Taliban, but while thinking of the second option, another thought also pops up in the mind that America might be involved in all this just to attack Pakistan and Afghanistan by blaming them for this attack. But these are all clues or false arguments. This entire incident settled without any official proof.




 While talking about Daa’ish, an Unknown but well known organization nobody knows anything. Who knows for whom they work for? When America showed some sympathy and published some articles in support of Daa'ish, the Syrian Government made clear cut announcements about America Planning against Syria. After these confusions and all this fuss about Daa'ish and America, America stepped back for the sake of its own good. Till now from then, nothing has been officially announced about for whom this Organization Works for?


Yasir Arafat death mystery:


Another doubtful incident was the death of Yasir Arafat, who was Former Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization. 7 months later after his death, it was confirmed that he was murdered with poison. But what can you say about the killer if you don’t have anyone you can doubt on or have proof against. So this conspiracy also remained and was never neglected.


Bill gates and covid-19:


Coming to the current situation of this world, Covid-19 is the leading topic of discussion worldwide. Everyone has his own idea and perception but to whom the truth may concern. Everything is a myth until it is proved officially. Let’s talk about Bill Gates. Who doesn't know him? The Ex -richest and the current second richest man in the world. Who would like a down fall of being the first and then the second? Rumors are being spread that Corona virus has been spread by Bill gates and co-workers so that they may take control of the major health organizations to invest and take large output out of it to become the richest man again. It became more obvious when he offered help immediately just after WHO became lack of funding. It is also being said that Bill Gates is planning to introduce vaccine which will have a microchip inside. It will be a sort of tracker, tracking via 5G towers. So indirectly he wants to earn Sympathy by introducing treatment of this pandemic, money via vaccines, money via microchip business and 5G technology. What A Cunning mind Could Think of All This!!! But again who has got proof of all this? Nobody so all such things are discarded as a myth.


Because in this world, we get authentic information after decades, one has to go through a lot of views and logics and shocking information just to reach the bottom line of a matter. Perhaps in this case also we will have to wait for a couple of decades so that all these conspiracies got wiped out or got proved authentic. Time Will Prove Everything.

by: hussnain shahid

looking forward for your positive comments!!!!


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