Sunday, March 16 2025


Live Like If We will Die tomorrow


“Live Like If We Will Die Tomorrow”, this is a phrase which gives us inspiration to do good deeds. It forces us to do that things in life which we always wanted to do. It makes people to get up and quit bad habit to put everything on tomorrow. We do not have time to waste on useless things which give us no benefit at all in this world and in next world after death. We should always try to do that things which will keep us alive even after death. We don’t have too much time too waste but we are doing so by.

l  Many of us have thought addiction. We waste our time in useless thoughts and in making stupid imaginations.

l  Many of us live in the past. We waste our time in thinking about that dreams which we could not fulfill in past.

l  Many of us live with guilty of sins that we did in the past. Its good to repent on sins but its useless and it is totally waste of time to remain in the guilty every time.

l  Many of us waste time to regret about thinking about the precious time that we wasted in past.

“Regret for wasted time is more regret”

We all have to face tough time in life, it is a part of life. But if we really wants to live lively we will have to live as we are going to die tomorrow. We should decide our fate as soon as possible.

Many of us have forgotten to live lively. This is not life. Life is not a name of just taking breaths, life is enjoying each and every moment of life in a positive way as we will die tomorrow. When we think that we will die tomorrow, it makes us realize that we have nothing in our hands. All we can do for our lives just to follow right path to get good reward from God.

“God gave us the gift as life; it is up to us to

give ourselves the gift of living well”


This is the most inspirational quote used by many motivational speakers in their speeches. It takes a person away from depression, negativity, stress and regrets. If we can not change something then there is no need to regret over it. Life is not permanent at all. We see deaths of our beloved ones, with whom we have spent many years of life. No doubt death is the biggest loss. But if we will live like we are going to die tomorrow, this loss changes into biggest victory.

When we thing that we are going to die tomorrow a fear factor also came in our mind. We should have fear from God , not from people. Do noble deeds without any fear.

“The ‘phrase do not be afraid’ is narrated in the bible 365 times.

That’s a daily reminder for from God to live everyday being fearless”


Imagine for a moment, suddenly we came to know that we are going to die tomorrow. Our life will change totally at that moment. We will think that we do not have enough good deeds in life book. We will quickly get up and try to that things which will make us as well as people around us happy. We should do what we want. Do not keep your life on the decisions of others. This is our life which is a reward from God. Do not spoil it. We should live every day of our life as this is our last day on Earth.

If you die tomorrow would you be happy with where you are today?

“Whatever you want to do ,

do it right now.

There are only,

so many tomorrows”

           (Michael Landon)

By: Aqsa Shafique
Looking forward for your supporting comments!!


  1. motivational❤

  2. We all should think what happen if we will die tomorrow😒

  3. sometimes it is easy to say and difficult to practice but if we are successful in practice , we can win ourself

  4. Good one. If we have this realization we would focus on ourselves and our lives instead of poking our nose in other's matters, doings and decisions :)
    Good effort btw! Keep it up 💪

  5. Good one. If we have this realization we would focus on ourselves and our lives instead of poking our nose in other's matters, doings and decisions :)
    Good effort btw! Keep it up 💪

  6. Good one. If we have this realization we would focus on ourselves and our lives instead of poking our nose in other's matters, doings and decisions :)
    Good effort btw! Keep it up ��
    Ayesha Bashir here

  7. Good one. If we have this realization we would focus on ourselves and our lives instead of poking our nose in other's matters, doings and decisions :)
    Good effort btw! Keep it up ��
    Ayesha Bashir here

  8. Good work,
    Keep it up .

  9. Fantastic.. Impressive 👍👍

  10. Eye opening.. 😐
    Breathe taking Article..
    You explained the topic very well.. 👌

  11. We should have to learn this..
    But the problem is in our minds and thinkings..
    We think that we have time ⌚
    but not.. 😖

  12. Nice article..
    Umdhaa Topic..

  13. Death is the reality of life..
    Creative thinkiner... All the credit for uhh and your thought..#Aqsa

  14. Death is the reality of life..
    Creative thinkiner... All the credit for uhh and your thought..#Aqsa

  15. Death is the reality of life..
    Creative thinkiner... All the credit for uhh and your thought..#Aqsa

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  17. Good, better achievement for promotion of education research of different ideas of life style alive.

  18. Good, Better achievement,educational research about life style for alive.


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