Sunday, March 16 2025


Politics in Pakistan: what's or what's not..!

What is politics?

                             So basically what is Politics? Politics is a term which refers to all the activities that are involved in the governance of a particular place or area. Politics is not only about debating and speeches; it's a lot more than that. The political party which is governing has to face opposition and criticism as well.



Politics in Pakistan:-

                                  Pakistan is a democratic land. Democracy is the first priority there. Politics in Pakistan is based upon the constitution. There are separate articles for selection of Prime Minister and the President. Elections are held after every five years, after which the provincial and national cabinet is formed. There are certain legislation upon which a political part in Pakistan makes government.


1-Selection of Prime Minister:-

                                                    The Prime Minister of Pakistan is selected by all the elected candidates of different political parties by voting. National assembly comes forward in this regard and all the MNA’s vote for the candidate of their own party. The political party with more elected national assembly candidates has their chairperson as the Prime Minister of Pakistan.


2-Selection of President:-

                                            The President is head of the state. The selection of president is done by the Electoral board or college. The Electoral College consists of the National Assembly, Provincial Assembly and the Senate. National and provincial assembly consists of all the elected candidates by the general elections. Senate members are elected by the Provincial Assembly for six years tenure.



Pakistan is a Democratic State. Different political parties compete for seats in the National and Provincial assemblies. After 1971, the most famous political parties were

Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz)

Pakistan People's Party

But later on in 1998, Famous cricketer Imran Khan also stepped in politics and made his own political party named Tehreek-e-Insaf. And During the Martial Law of 1999 By Gen. Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan Muslim League (Q) was also made.


Let’s talk about the current most famous and top two political parties of Pakistan


Pakistan Muslim League (N):-

                                                    Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif served Pakistan as Prime Minister for the longest time of nine years. He was first elected as Prime Minister in 1990 but his government worked for only 3 out of 5 years and he was replaced by the next government. For the second time he was elected in 1997 but in 1999, General Parvez Musharraf established martial law and Nawaz’s government fell off. For the third time he was elected as PM in 2013. This is considered as the best tenure out of all his three. During his reign Pakistan was suffering from major crises and big security threats as there were bombing attacks all over Pakistan.

-He was the one to perform the Atom Bomb trial and announce Pakistan as a nuclear power.

-He laid down a network of 3736 kilometers of Motorway linking all the big cities of Pakistan.

-In addition to this, he brought Pakistan out of energy crises and also initiated major electricity power plants.

-CPEC was one of the major works done by Nawaz Sharif and it was SPEC due to which Pakistan was gaining its importance back in the era.

-International cricket came back to Pakistan once again after the terrorist attack on Sri Lankan team in 2009.

PML N did a lot of work for welfare of Pakistani people and provided basic educational necessities to the deserving students like NEED Based scholarships and the Laptops all over the Pakistan on merit basis. CM Punjab Shahbaz Sharif YOUTH festival was a talent encouraging program for the Youth of Pakistan Indeed the youth is the basic building stone in any nation.

But due to some corruption charges, PML N had to left over the government in the 2018 Elections and a new political party TEHREEK E INSAF same into government.


Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI):-

                                            Led by the highly enthusiastic and loved Cricketer Imran Khan, the political party Tehreek E Insaf gained much fame in Pakistan before the general elections of 2018. PTI came into government for the first time in the 2018 general elections. This political party aims to clear all the Religious disputes and bring all Muslims under a single frame. They want equality for all and also claim to be anti-status. But this party has faced much criticism since it is in government. Major economy issues have caused much criticism by opposition parties.

Yet there is a golden lining of the present government.

PTI has introduced EHSAAS scholarship project for the needy and the deserving students on merit basis.

During current situation of pandemic, PTI officials gave many relief projects for the poor ones.

Corona Relief Fund is a very good project.

Moreover Pakistan is also gaining recognization at international level.



Ups and downs are always there during changing policies. Positive outcomes take time. One should wait for the right time to criticize instead of just mocking all the time and not letting others do their work. This is for all political parties. They should respect others ideas and should support each other for better Pakistan. May Allah bless Pakistan…

                                     By: Rana Husnain
     Looking forward for your appreciating comments!!


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