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FITNESS WORKOUT: Reshape your body to a high a fitness level

Fitness workout
The experts always say that exercise is just magic. Your results are just like your efforts to put
into the workout. This is not about to do workout every time to get what you what but it is only
about the smart workout.
Experts say that all exercises are not equal for getting the desired result as some of the workouts
are not very effective and they may be simpler but many of them if choosing smartly are more
effective and help in burning more calories. Workouts make a person fit and healthy. It helps in
keeping the body active and the mind fresh.

Here are some best workouts a person can do for keeping himself fit and healthy
1. Walking:
There can be any kind of exercise includes in the exercising of cardiovascular muscles to make
the heart stronger and healthy. And the best example of this kind of exercise is walking which
you can do anywhere and anytime with no equipment or tools. This is not considered just for the
initiators even the person who is fit and strong can also do this exercise for maintaining his
It is reported that brisk walking can burn even 2000 calories from the body. Different fitness
instructors always try to start by asking their mates to do a walk of 30-60 minutes a day. Burning
of calories is very much related to walking as if you do nothing the whole day but you just walk
for only 7 hours then you can burn calories for up to 3500.
Fitness instructors try to make sure that the person is walking for 5-10 minutes per session.
Walking can also relax your mind and keeps your body fresh. It helps in also sharpening of your
2. Aerobic dancing
Aerobic dancing helps a lot in making the body to keep in shape. As many persons are concerned
about their body appearance and shape so they are instructed to do dancing for at least 10
minutes a day. Dancing helps you in burning calories and in relaxing the mind. Aerobic dancing
is considered the most effective way of keeping fresh all day long. The mind and body of a
person know exactly what to do after dancing because it helps in releasing some happy hormones
in the body.

3. Weight lifting

Weight lifting is the type of workout for those who want to make their body muscles strong and
sometimes prominent. If the parts of the body remain fit and healthy then it is obvious that our
body will also stay healthy and active. The brain and heart function properly and make us very fit
for every kind of work.

4. Push-ups
Doing push-ups is the best way to make body apes and muscles strong. It keeps you in the best of
your health. The body shape and figure are dependent on the way you do workouts and exercises.
It also helps in keeping us healthy.

                      BY: Aila Amir


  1. Keep up the good work 👍


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