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What is Insomania? 5 most important types of insomnia

Insomnia in Young Generation

Origin of Insomnia

Insomnia is derived from the Latin word ‘in’ and ‘Somnus’ collectively makes the word insomnia means sleepless.
A team headed by professor Ozcelik discovered it after a struggle of eight years of research.

What is Insomnia

It is a state of sleeplessness in which a person is unable to sleep well. It is a condition in which a person falls prey to poor quality sleep. There are many factors causing insomnia. But this mainly affects the young generation due to a lot of reasons.

Insomnia in Young Generation

Anger, worry, psychological, and emotional behavior, these are the main bases of insomnia in adults. The young generation easily falls prey to anger and worry and cannot overcome these situations and in the end, they get a victim of insomnia.

Factors causing Insomnia in Adults

Unfavorable Food/Diet

 The food like nightshades including tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplants is the things that press the adult’s panic button. Moreover, alcohol, fermented, cured, smoked, and cultural things like cheese, red wine and salami are the things that cause anxiety which further gives rise to insomnia. Caffeine, nicotine, excess use of sugar, flour, and refined carbohydrates also encourage this disease.

Mental Health Disorders

Depression, stress, and anxiety cause a severe form of insomnia called chronic insomnia in adults. There are many reasons for depression which easily cause insomnia like terrible or grieved life events such as diverse, separation, death of a close person, poverty, lack of job opportunities. All these are the things which actives adult’s minds all night and they cannot sleep easily. 

Late Night Activities

Our young generation is more indulged in smartphones, computers, video games, and late-night gossips. Parent’s lack of guidance initiates these activities in their young children. Irregular bedtime schedules interfere with the adults' sleep cycle.

5 Most Important Types of Insomnia;

Following are the most important types of Insomnia
  1. Acute Insomnia is a state of sleeplessness that lasts for days or weeks and its duration is short.
  2. Chronic Insomnia is a state of sleeplessness that lasts for many weeks and is a more severe form.
  3. Comorbid Insomnia is a result of psychiatric illness and can initiate another worse condition in adults.
  4. Onset Insomnia is an inability to sleep at the beginning of the night due to daytime fatigue or irritability.
  5. Maintenance Insomnia in which it is difficult to stay sleep for adults and it is more common adult girls than boys.

Symptoms of Insomnia in Adults;

Adults who are a victim of insomnia face difficulty in relationships like family, friends, and society. At school, college, or university, they face difficulty in their work. Mood disturbance, cognitive impairment, fatigue, aggression, and feeling impulsive are severe symptoms of insomnia.

Percentage of Insomnia in Adults across World;

30 percent of the young generation suffers from insomnia according to a survey of national institutes of health.


Control therapy, relaxation techniques, light therapy can beat insomnia. To reduce anxiety at bedtime, muscle relaxation and breathing exercises are the best way. The sleeping environments should comfortable. Before going to bed, do not eat or drink.  Before bed, take a warm bath. Besides these, there is also approved medication for insomnia like Doxepin, Zaleplon, and Ramelteon, etc.


For the development of depression, insomnia alone can be a risk factor. Subtle autoimmune or autoinflammatory conditions can cause severe insomnia. So, proper treatment is needed to avoid insomnia in the young generation.

Written by;  Areej Fatima

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  1. Great work done... Keep it up

  2. awesome work girl, keep it up!

  3. Great work and its a common problem today's. keep it up dear


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