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What If World War 3 Happens


War is a conflict between two countries, two nations and etc.
Two major wars have been fought, World War 1 and World War 2, that left disastrous effects on the world. These two wars were fought when there was no technology but now there is a question what if world war 3 happens.???
What If world War 3 happen
 World War 3


After World War 1 and World War 2, the respective countries boosted towards modern technology. But now the world is changed totally. Today we are living in a nuclear age.

if World War 3 happens in Nuclear age

This is a nuclear age. Most of the countries have nuclear power. Now if world war 3 happens it will be a nuclear war. Let us take a review of the effects of nuclear war.
Take an example of Hiroshima and Nagasaki which became the victim of the nuclear experiment. Now the several generations have been passed but the effects of nuclear radiations ejected by the nuclear bomb are still present in their genes and the new generation still have abnormalities caused by nuclear radiation.

21st century

We are living in the 21st century having a lot of modern tools, techniques, and technology. In the past era, the war was fought manually but if now war happens, it will certainly be a nuclear war. And it will be more destructive for the world. The world will be at the edge of chaos just a one button click and the game will be over and nothing will remain in this world.

Negative impacts if world war 3 happens.

 Mankind thinks things will just keep getting better and better but the opposite is true; it is impossible for that to happen in the physical world. It goes back and forth from good to worse and vice versa. It will get worse and when it does it will bring the beast to mankind; you can just look out at bloody history to see what will happen.
·         If world war 3 happens it will be a great disastrous for the whole world.
·         Now there will be not only downfall of the economy but a downfall of the new generation.
·         All the technology and science will collapse just after one click
·         In the past war was fought with stone and sticks and after world war 3, if next war will happen it will again fight with stones and stick.
·         Mankind will have to start from scratch and will again take centuries to raise humanity at the peak of technology even more time than the present.
·         One modern thermonuclear bomb can has more destructive power than all the conventional bombs used in all the previous wars.

World War 1 was fought in the race of superior and inferior class. But if now world war 3 happens, it will happen with the stupidity of mankind. The first world war was the biggest blood bath of mankind but world war 3 will not only be the blood bath of this generation but also of the upcoming several generations.
                     Albert Einstein:
                                                I don’t know with what weapon world war three will be fought, but world war four will be fought by stones and sticks.”
                                                                                                             Written by :KINZA IQBAL


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